Archived Episodes
Do you struggle with a broken heart? With The Heart Reconnection Guidebook author Lee McC...
If you have suffered heartbreak, are troubled by anxiety, depression, loss, grief, if you question your self-worth, or are caught up in addiction or obsessive/compulsive behavior - all of these struggles share...
"That can’t happen, it’s against the law! WRONG it CAN and DOES!!!" With Miss Chrissy D.
Just because it’s against the law doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen to you. In the meantime you have to be in a position to not only take care of yourself while this is going on but you will a...
Command Master Chief Leon R. Walker author of Broken -Survival Instincts of a Child
BROKEN…A gripping tale of a lost and damaged kid that will take you on a powerful, emotional, and intense rollercoaster ride. Eye opening and heartbreaking! A very young and dark life, this ...
Your Kids as your True North During Divorce: A professional’s advice. With special guest ...
What does it really means to put your kids first when you are going through a divorce? In this show, learn the most important pieces of advice to ensure your children are your priority in order to do your divorce b...
Top Tips to Do Divorce Better With special guests, Heather Steer & Kelly Griffin!
In this show, learn the most important pieces of advice you’ll want to know to prepare yourself for divorce. Think: The girlfriends’ guide to not just surviving but thriving through your divorce!
Using Creativity to Navigate and Transform the Painful Emotions of Divorce with Pamela Ha...
In this show, learn how to process and transform the deep emotions you feel while going through divorce and learn be open to magical, new possibilities.
Building a Bridge to Your New Life
How does one begin to construct a bridge to a new life after traumatic change such as loss, injury or illness? Susan De Lorenzo, survivor of invasive cancer and divorce and job loss shares potential pathways and vi...
Learning Lessons from Life’s Lemons with guest Linda Carvelli
Author and Life Coach Linda Carvelli joins Susan today to share her come-back story from her memoir Perfectly Negative.
Your Attitude creates your Altitude: How to fly out of a box canyon.
We all have been in a situation which seemed to have no solution. We are between the preverbal rock and a hard spot. Today I share with you two stories of resolution. It is possible to fly out of the box canyon!
When The Heart Breaks, Transformation Through Divorce With Coach Yuki Graviet
Divorce is heart breaking. There is no way around it. It is the shifting and ending of a relationship and a life you saw as your future. It is the end of one of the most intimate partnerships we can create as human...
Transform yourself from Worrier to Warrior!
When we worry, it’s like letting someone else drive our car and take us to Crazy Town. In this Episode we will discuss how you can take back the wheel and buckle up worry in the backseat.
Thank You, Cancer
Who would run towards an adversity? None of us! And yet, most of us have had our lives disrupted by something big. Susan De Lorenzo, survivor of invasive breast cancer followed by the crumbling of her mar...
Encore: The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Breaking Free from Unhealthy Family Patterns with Jodee Prouse
One woman's wisdom on rising in strength from family crisis. Learning through the tears and hard truths about taking care of oneself first, and the power to finally say "NO!"
Living Authentically with Kerri Hummingbird
Kerri Hummingbird discovered her life purpose after leaving her 20 year relationship. Living authentically, she taught her kids how to build inner strength and speak their truth.
Spiritual PTSD
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about Spirirual Post- Trumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) how the aura retains certain energy and replays it. Tune in to hear about s...
Encore: The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Encore: The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Tune in and discover how to identify who the people in your present life time were to you in your prior life time. We will discus...
How to mend a broken heart?
So many of us have been through painful unwanted break ups , separations , divorces or disconnections. whether these disconnections are through our intimate love-life life , lack of connection to family members or ...
Karma type
In order to transform and heal our karmic path and patterns we must understand the type of karma we are containing. Not all karma is negative. Even negative karma can be transformed into positive energy. Healing, t...
The Energy Response
Tune in as we discuss the hyper sensitive version of the aura. Discover how to identify who's energy and what energy your aura is putting out to the universe and how your life is responding to it.
Tune in and discover how to identify who the people in your present life time were to you in your prior life time. We will discus...