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  06/11/2024      12:00 pm

Awakening the Gift™ with Psychic Medium Montana Greene: Igniting a stream of consciousness within you!™: Returning to Harmony with Dr. Paul Hubbert, Founder of the Institute for Holographic Sound and Inner Balance.

Co-Host Profile

Montana Greene

Awakening the Gift ™ With Psychic Medium Montana Greene: Igniting a stream of consciousness within you! ™

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 12pm PT / 3pm ET


Awakening The Gift™ examines many topics of Spirituality, Mysticism, and Metaphysics and seeks to entertain while helping the listener understand and embrace these natural subtle energies.
A great deception has been perpetrated against humanity. Firstly, that reality is only the tangible 3-D world and that other dimensions are fictional. Secondly, we are only these ... Read more

Awakening the Gift ™ With Psychic Medium Montana Greene: Igniting a stream of consciousness within you! ™

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 12pm PT / 3pm ET


Awakening The Gift™ examines many topics of Spirituality, Mysticism, and Metaphysics and seeks to entertain while helping the listener understand and embrace these natural subtle energies.
A great deception has been perpetrated against humanity. Firstly, that reality is only the tangible 3-D world and that other dimensions are fictional. Secondly, we are only these physical bodies and the Human Energy Field is woo-woo and not scientifically proven. Thirdly, that psychic ability is only for the few, rather than a function of the Human Energy Field and a natural extension of our spiritual bodies. Lastly, we are all separate individuals and not a part of the Greater Gestalt of Consciousness existing in a Unified Field of Consciousness. Our singular actions do impact the whole. We all contribute to the humanitie's trajectory. And we are all here for a purpose! Awakening to our spiritual gifts has never been more on timely! Gain insight into the Human Energy Field, our spiritual bodies, and how to care for and utilize them for the highest good of humanity!

Tools like astrology, numerology, and other divination tools have been placed in our paths to help us interpret the messages of the Universe, ourselves, and our fellow humans. We have Spirit Guides, Helpers, and Angels to assist us in achieving our life's missions. Before incarnating, our own higher selves coordinate signs to help remind us of our purpose in this life and to give encouragement when needed. I refer to these signs as memory tags. They help to jog our memory after passing through the Veil of Forgetfulness during the birthing process. They are the Déjà Vu experiences, the strong sense of familiarity that accompanies certain topics, locations, and items useful in developing certain skills. Even encounters with certain people help to remind us, and guide us to our purpose. We live in an amazing energetic matrix that is set up to challenge us to develop our skills and understanding! This energetic matrix is coded much like computer software and therefore mathematics, cycles, and rhythms are vital to pay attention to and work with. Nearly everything around us is communicating something to us. This empty air is not empty air, but rather data carried on light and sound waves and of course the Divine Consciousness. Ordinarily, the human physical senses are just not fine-tuned enough to detect these subtle energies. However, I believe that is because we have been programmed to not believe we can perceive these energies.

Our Subconscious programs are the framework creating our “map of reality.” Children have not yet been programmed out of seeing, sensing, and interacting with both the Divine Consciousness, Spiritual Beings, and Energic Matrix. Fortunately, the lid is being blown off this deception as more and more people delve into personal development, higher consciousness, and mystic principles. Even the scientific community is inching its way into substantiating much of what the mystics have been teaching. Quantum Physics, Super String Theory, Black Hole Principles, and the study of Non-Local Consciousness are giving credence to metaphysics. Just as with “The 100th Monkey effect,” increases in mass consciousness can go viral and spread inexplicably. Or is the explanation that we are all One Consciousness, only appearing separate? Could that explain Eisenstein’s “Spooky action at distance” and quantum entanglement? What if the mystics had it figured out thousands of years ago? We are living in profoundly exciting times in human history where science, spirituality, and mass consciousness are arriving at common ground! The Information Age is introducing millions of souls to the concepts of personal development and spirituality, with many sharing their personal intuitive experiences more and more. This helps break down the limiting subconscious beliefs that have historically blocked the masses from experiencing psychic abilities. Group Consciousness is rising as is animal consciousness. With more of the Collective Consciousness learning and growing the potential for more of humanity to live from the higher chakra is huge. Could you imagine how much more authentic and efficient we could be with our focus by consulting our astrological birth charts for our inherent strengths, weaknesses, and timed challenges? Instead of contorting ourselves into someone else’s box, we heeded our bodies' wisdom to direct towards and away from things. If we debugged our own subconscious self-sabotaging beliefs and embraced our latent ability to tap into the Unified Field of Consciousness for problem-solving and creativity. Knowledge of our soul contracts and agreements made prior to incarnating could help us handle relationship obstacles with more insight and grace. We have so much support from several non-physical beings such as our departed loved ones, guides, angels, and highly intelligent beings from other dimensions and star systems. Many forms of innovation and technology are gifted to us and are collaborative efforts. Telepathy is the main form of communication. Ideas, images, concepts, and feelings pop into mind when non-physical beings wish to communicate. I would like to help people better recognize the ways Spirit, non-physical beings, the Higher Self, and the Universe communicate with us all the time whether they realize it or not! Spirits, and other non-physical beings are not confined to graveyards and haunted houses but rather are co-existing all around us just in a different dimensional level. In order to control and command one’s natural extra-sensory perception, shifting one’s consciousness above the ordinary constructs of everyday life is necessary. Essentially to move out of Beta brainwaves and into Alpha and Theta. This goes hand in hand with upshifting to higher levels of consciousness where the limits of possibility expand. Training one’s conscious focus is key as well as believing it’s possible.



About ~

Montana Greene, the Whispering Leaf Psychic, channels over 27 years of spiritual wisdom and psychic expertise rooted in her Kickapoo Indian heritage. A third-generation natural-born psychic medium, Montana embarked on her metaphysical journey as a child, guided by intuitive connections with "imaginary friends." At the age of 5, she borrowed her first Tarot Deck from her mother, setting the stage for a lifelong exploration.

By 11, Montana delved into astrology and numerology, decoding the symbols within the Tarot with newfound insights. Progressing into meditation and crystal collecting by 16, she sought enlightenment with a deep connection to her intuition. While focusing on Tarot readings during the next decade, Montana's spiritual journey led her to embark on the physical bodys health, becoming a certified fitness professional.

Inspired by her fitness career, she pursued education, earning certifications as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Transpersonal and Clinical Counseling Hypnotherapy. As a Reiki Master, she mastered Healing Touch & trade; and Jin Shin, creating a powerful trio of energy healing modalities. This unique combination allowed her to channel spiritual energy through Reiki, complemented by the structure and techniques of Healing Touch and Jin Shin.

Montana's commitment to growth continued with courses in professional psychic development, enhancing her abilities and deepening her spiritual knowledge. In readings, she draws upon her extensive study, practice, and skills to offer comprehensive information and guidance. Montana Greene is not just a psychic; she is a spiritual guide on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

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  • Montana has always been spot-on with all of my readings. After a session with her I feel so happy and light. She is an amazing psychic and is a very genuine, strong, gifted and compassionate woman.
    ~ L.B.

  • Montana maintains a perfect balance of professionalism and politeness throughout all of her interactions. She is sensitive to client needs, asks follow up and clarifying questions and she really puts a lot in to each reading or bodywork session. I trust Montana thoroughly for accuracy and have referred several family members and friends to her. If you are looking for accurate and thorough readings or intuitive bodywork Montana Greene of Whispering Leaf Psychic is the best provider, at a reasonable price, available.
    ~ L.C.

  • Montana is a wonderful and beautiful soul. She has an amazing gift and will bring you the peace you seek. She has helped my family here on earth and our family that has passed in so many ways. We are so thankful. We feel so blessed to have met Montana and have her in our lives. She has pure and true compassion for her clients living and passed and shows it in her work. Montana has come to cleanse our home as well and it has given us peace in our home and helped all of us sleep better and live a more harmonious life. Montana is a beautiful gift to this family and we know you will feel the same choosing her to connect you to your loved ones that have passed on. Thank you Montana for the love, connection and guidance. ❤
    ~ E.V.D.

  • Montana is such a blessing. She is very professional and kind. She has a welcoming atmosphere and allows you to open up. She made me aware of blocks that I didn’t know existed. My session was very emotional, balancing and refreshing. I would definitely recommend Montana. I plan to see her again. Thank you Montana.
    ~ D.M.


Whispering Leaf Psychic Medium Studio 211 B Walk Through