Archived Episodes
Don’t let age change you!! Change the way you age!!!
We all know that aging is inevitable. It is up to you to slow it down. With a well trained mind and body you can do anything. Aging is natural process. It wears and tears. How can we slow that down?…...
S.C.O.R.E.® Visualization: See What You Want - Not What You Don't Want
The S.C.O.R.E.® System helps immunize yourself from internal and external negativity. See what you want, not what you don't want. Develop a Champeion Mindset through Visualization. By using S.C.O.R.E. too...
Untangled Beliefs: Your beliefs matter
What are beliefs and why do they matter? What if your beliefs are knotted and tangled up and are preventing you from creating the reality you desire? You can harness the power of your subconscious mind and align yo...
Revising Hiring Practices with an Anti-Racism Lens with Dr. Amoaba Gooden, VP of Division...
I am excited to welcome Dr. Amoaba Gooden, Vice President for the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Kent State University back to the Show to explore strategies to revise hiring and onboarding practice...
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Host: Dr. Kathy Obear
Co-Host: dr. becky martinez
Guest: Amoaba Gooden Ph.D.
How to Recession-Proof your Career
It’s impossible to talk about reinventing your career without talking about what effect of the economy has on it. What is going on in the world’s economy today that affects your chances of landi...
When it’s time to start!
Beginning something new or starting something again, like a project you began but didn’t finish, can be difficult. Sometimes just getting to the starting point of an endeavor is harder than actually doing the...
Wild Times? Build your Life on a Rock Solid P.U.R.E. Foundation
What does having a P.U.R.E. foundation mean for your life? I could just pinch myself! Today, I am delighted to have Dr. Pat and Julie Hightman, LAc, LMT join me on PURE Intuitive Talk! We will discuss what it means...
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Host: Trish Smith
Co-Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guest: Julie Hightman LAc LMT
It is not what it looks like!
Did you ever try to change something about yourself, your life, your family but found yourself ending up in the same kind of situation, habit or the same unwanted results? What if I told you that you were unable to...
Leading Organizational Change in These Times with Dr. Amoaba Gooden, VP for the Division ...
I am excited to welcome Dr. Amoaba Gooden, Vice President for the Division of Diversity, Kent State University to the Show to explore organizational change strategies to accelerate greater equity, inclusion, and so...
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Host: Dr. Kathy Obear
Co-Host: dr. becky martinez
Guest: Amoaba Gooden Ph.D.
The Story of Gaia: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of Our Conscious Planet wi...
Exploring our emergence as self-aware members of our planetary home and entire Universe that is a unified and innately sentient entity, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., shares leading-edge scientific breakthroughs and shows h...
The Courage to Change
It’s impossible to talk about reinvention without talking about change. Today’s episode will look at the reasons we are afraid of change and offer some solutions as to how we can surmount these fears an...
Let’s speak about the elephant in the room!
Did you ever try to change something about yourself, your life, your family but found yourself ending up in the same kind of situation, habit or the same unwanted results? Watch Live on FB&nb...
A Whole New You
Now that we are a few days into the new year, the pressure to make resolutions, articulate goals, find your mission, live your vision, and change your life is on! There is an allure to the ideas around having a cle...
Mind, Body, Spirit – Add Energy, and You Have It All with Dr. Sharon Martin
Healing is often broken down into components – mind, or body, or spirit. Underlying all of these is Energy. How can we shake up an old pattern (physical or emotional or spiritual) and get something new,...
The Power of Your Resonance to Change Your World
We all have the power to change our world. Advice and guidance from timeless wisdom is all around us wherever we look. In this episode Sarah will open the door to the power of emotional resonance by looking at the ...
We will talk about the common weight loss obstacles and challenges and how to recover to resume your journey without giving up! https:...
We’ll talk about practical and simple strategies to shed extra pounds without diet drama!
Change or Be Changed: The choice is yours!
Call 800-930-2819 with a question
Thriving Through Change
The word ‘change’ can elicit a variety of emotions - we might be excited about the possibility of change, anxious about what a change will mean, or dreading a change we know will eventually happen. ...
Encore: Engaging the Taboo ~ Getting Honest About Class and Classism in Higher Education ...
I am excited to welcome dr. becky martinez, Infinity Consulting, to the Show for some honest conversation about the devastating dynamics of class and classism in higher education.
We’ll talk about why and how to lose weight during the holidays and why not to wait until after the holiday season to shed the extra pounds!
Prosperity Meditations: Everyday Practices to Create an Abundant Life with Susan Shumsky
A simple guide filled with affirmations and meditations to attract abundance, success, wealth, and creativity instantly! If you want to draw prosperity into your life, first abandon the idea that spiritual pe...
We’ll talk about how your confidence level might be and how you can shift your mindset about how you look at your closet and the clothes in it. Watch/Listen
Empowered and Trusting Your Intuition with Guest Cindy Smith
Join us to find out how Cindy empowers self and teaches other to do the same. How do you change doubt into trust? Am I imagining the guidance or are Angels really helping me? Learn how Cindy created step by step in...