Guest Profile

Lissa Figgins

About As an Entrepreneur, Coach or Network Marketer, how often do you...

♻️ Give too little attention to some things, and too much to things that don't matter?

♻️ Run around all day feeling busy, but not produce the big results you truly want?

♻️ Put your passions on the back burner, and focus on just getting through the day?


It Doesn't Need to be that way! Prioritize 7 key areas of your Life + Biz to create more Balance, Profits & Impact in 90 days.


I help After 40 Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Network Marketers like you RETHINK your priorities to create a life and business you love in this stage of life.


With my Prioritized, Balanced & Purposeful Entrepreneur Coaching Program you'll have the tools, strategies and support to gain:

CLARITY about what actions will move you forward.

CONTROL of your time to create a life by design.

CONFIDENCE to give your best yes to what's important.

CONNECTION to the people & things that matter most.

COURAGE to dream big & break out of your comfort zone.


Are your PRIORITIES today aligned with what you truly want for your Life + Biz?


Schedule a free PRIORITIES AUDIT and get clarity on where to put your focus
