Get Inspired Radio with Sue London: - Getting Physically Fit with guest Paul Hudson - Call 800 930 2819 to ask your questions

Get Inspired Radio with Sue London: - Getting Physically Fit with guest Paul Hudson - Call 800 930 2819 to ask your questions

  03/07/2013  02:00 pm PDT

Are you a couch potato? Are you feeling stressed or depressed or just down in the dumps? Or are you simply looking for a change in your life? How about getting physically fit? During this interactive segment guest Personal Trainer, Paul Hudson, will give you tips for getting healthier.


Sue London

Sue London

Sue London helps people overcome difficult or traumatic situations in their lives. Through her radio show GET INSPIRED, coaching, writing and motivational speaking, Sue Lond...

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 Paul  Hudson

Paul Hudson

Nothing worthwhile in this life comes without sacrifice. Only by expending all of our energy, channeling all of our energy to focus and giving up those comforts that normal ...

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