Archived Episodes
The Greats on Leadership with Jocelyn Davis
Join for an enlightening interview with Jocelyn Davis, the author of The Greats on Leadership: Classic Wisdom for Modern Managers. Jocelyn's book takes us on a tour of the best leaders and leaderships ideas through...
Encore: Angel Messages: Our Sacral Chakra is Waking Up
The Sacral Chakra (Second Chakra) is al...
Angel Messages: Our Sacral Chakra is Waking Up
The Sacral Chakra (Second Chakra) is al...
Fight Fear and Find The Bravest You with Author Adam Kirk Smith
A Breakthrough Bravery System to Confront Your Greatest Fears, Find Your Purpose, and Create the Successful Life You Want Feeling directionless, or perhaps too intimidated to make a necessary change in yo...
The Art of Energy Healing: Are You Called to Dance?
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki...
Let Your Wild Woman Spirit Howl and Live Unstuck JOY!
Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki...
How to Increase Resiliency in You and Your Child
Your ability to bounce back in life is referred to as resiliency. It is this ability that makes you feel capable and able to embrace the idea that you can handle whatever life throws your way. Knowing what rob...
Living a Creative Life: Art, Consciousness and Flow with Working Artists Randal Roberts &...
Visionary artists (and one of the raddest couples out there!) Morgan Mandala and Randal Roberts share with us the secrets to their creative flow, what it's like making art with your partner, how to launch a success...
Encore: Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for April 2017
Your host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Gabriel's g...
Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for April 2017
Your host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Gabriel's g...
Living a Creative Life: Art, Consciousness and Flow with Working Artists Randal Roberts &...
Visionary artists (and one of the raddest couples out there!) Morgan Mandala and Randal Roberts come on the show this week to share with us the se...
Wild Creative with Tami Lynn Kent
Moving from the realm of the physical body into the body of making a life, Tami Lynn Kent invites listeners on a journey into the creative energy field––this place between spirit and body where the ener...
Integrity With Your Energy: Alignment and Abundance
The highest form of abundance comes from aligning with the integrity of our own energy. Our energy vibrates at multiple levels and is impacted by old patterns, blocks and fears. Let’s look at how to really mo...
Anxiety and Creativity: Solving Oil and Water
Many of us rush through life, barely sure why. Regardless of the task at hand, the lesson came at a young age. No one told us it kills creativity. Learn how to create space around your dream and cut out the fear of...
Awaken Your Innate Healing Abilities & Unleash Your Creative Genius with Soul Art Shaman ...
Laüra, an award-winning Canadian artist and a creative spiritual entrepreneur, teaches people how to cultivate their creativity, intuition and their innate healing abilities through her Soul Art certification ...
Limitless Living to Create the Life we Desire with Karen Betten
Do you sometimes feel you are falling short of what you were meant to be, do or have in your life? Do you sometimes feel there are just too many “limits” to be, do or have what you want in your life? Do you...
Reconnecting to the Creative Power of the Dragon with Dr. Christine Page
Ancient people knew that the source of all creativity upon this planet doesn’t come from above, but runs beneath our feet; it’s called dragon energy. Women have a deep connection to this wise, creative and powerful e...
Archangel Michael’s Guidance on Creativity for Dec. 2015
Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun. The last month of the 2015 year, and a big transformative year it has been for all of us. Your Host Dr Jenn delivers Archangel Michael's guidance for the month of Dec 2015. Micha...
99 Keys to a Creative Life with Author Melissa Harris
With 99 Keys to a Creative Life, creativity is not just painting orwriting, it is stepping outside the way you normally think to achieve greater happiness and personal fulfillment. Filled with mindful, heart-ba...
An exploration into Art, Truth, Electro-Mineralism and Visionary Culture, with Android Jones
Join independent artist Android Jones for a conversation on art, reality, truth, electro-mineralism, creativity, visionary ...
The Un-Game: Four-Play to Business as Unusual with Ingrid Martine
The Un-Game is based on the premise that we have more to unlearn than learn in order to meet current work and life challenges, and it is both a captivating story and an inspirational invitation for organizational lead...