Archived Episodes
Spiritually we are one. Can we talk? with Laura Meeks
In a world that is turning more tribal and less accepting of change, how can we learn to talk to each other without arguing? Watch live on Facebook.
Blueprint for Thriving on Your Terms
Thrive - to prosper or flourish. Don't we all wish to thrive and not just survive? Choosing to thrive will push you out of your comfort zone and may feel harder than surviving especially initially. But is sur...
Ep. 11 - BOSS UP TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF AWESOMENESS with Guest Host Health & Fitness Expert...
Are you ready to replace stress, overwhelmed, and exhaustion with health, happiness, and confidence? Join us for a powerful episode that could help you BossUp and get healthy and fit. Karissa Adkins, is taking talk...
Embodying Our Values with Dr. Reese Kelly: The Importance of Healing and Transforming Our...
In this episode of Heart.Change.Consciousness. Dr. Trish talks with Dr. Reese Kelly about his practice, Embodied Values, with services spanning from individual bodywork and coaching services to institutional c...
Who do you think you are, with Kornelia Stephanie
Raise your vibration with Brag Therapy. Join me today as we brag about many virtues that are true about you. These virtues that have gotten you to the place you are today. Raise your vibration with brag therapy ses...
Beyond Burnout – Eradicating Exhaustion the Step Burn Bright Way.
2020 will go down in history as the year our lives changed forever. Do you feel like your experiences of massive changes and loss have left you feeling completely exhausted with no idea how to recover or even...
Ascension Timeline with Viviane Chauvet
Many intergalactic groups are providing the Earth assistance with the organic ascension timeline. We will discuss and explore the realms of higher consciousness, planetary changes, energetic lines of communication,...
Waking Up a New World with Steve Bhaerman
There is a new world emerging. One that we can actually have some influence on as we shake the old narrative and make our way to a more inclusive, intelligent, and enlightened way of being. Internationally kn...
The Necktie and The Jaguar: A memoir to help you change your story and find fulfillment w...
The Necktie and The Jaguar is a thought-provoking memoir that offers the insight of a master in its author Carl Greer. As Greer’s remarkable story unfolds, the reader is encouraged to ask questions about thei...
Who am I now? Navigating the New Normal
The phrase ‘new normal’ has been popping up recently in the news and social media. It is a term meant to help us talk about our post-pandemic life. As our lives shift, restrictions lift, and more opport...
What Can We Do Now? White Leaders and Change Agents Partnering for Transformational Chang...
I am excited to welcome Dr. Victoria Farris, Farris Consulting, to explore what is required of white leaders and change agents as we partner to manifest sustainable, transformative change. Watch live on Fac...
The Only Constant is Change with Special Guest Erica Gifford Mills
Aren't we always dealing with changes? Isn't that where the saying comes from - the only constant is change. In the words of Lao Tzu, “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist t...
Harnessing Your Intuitive Superpower
How often do you stop and notice what’s around you? Are we buzzing through our daily lives too much on autopilot, perhaps ignoring the s...
The Complexity of Being Stuck
At some point in our lives, many of us have the experience of feeling ‘stuck’. It could be an internal indecision or an external force that makes us feel that way. Maybe feeling stuck is about fear of c...
12 Hours Of Heaven-Sparking Positive Change 1 story at a time.
Do you want to make a change in the world? Is there a dream that seems just out of reach? Don't wait for a life alterning moment to wake you up or to get started today. We all have the ability to ...
Ailing Nation-Link! 4 Ideas With Actionable Wisdom-Boylan! Business Optimism-Kara Hoogensen!
Dr. Nate Link examines real political issues such as climate change, tax policy, campaign financing, gerrymandering, abortion, and gun control. The Ailing Nation is a fascinating, immersiv...
On the Edge Mass Manipulation
Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through indirect, deceptive, or underhanded tactics. By advancing the interests of the Manipulator, ...
Good Trouble & Necessary Change: Addressing Leader Backsliding & Resistance to Organizati...
I am excited to welcome Angell Howard, owner of Necessary Change Consulting to the Show to explore current challenges and opportunities to create real, meaningful, sustainable change in these times. Watch l...
A President’s Perspective: Creating Equitable and Inclusive Campuses with Dr. Leigh Goodson
Join me for an engaging, enlightening conversation with Dr. Leigh Goodson, President and CEO of Tulsa Community College where we explore the critical role and responsibility of executive leaders to accelerate trans...
The Mysterious Magic of Gratitude with Nancy Landrum
Gratitude releases powerful forces in our favor! Watch live on Facebook. www.fac...
Burn Bright or Burn Out – Energy Update – Are You Finally Ready for a New Beginning?
April is a month of endings clearing the way for new beginnings in May. And no doubt about it – some changes can be unsettling, energy draining or downright depressing. BUT it doesn’t have to be this wa...
On the Edge of Radical Forgiveness with Ease
What is the one thing, action, behaviour or belief, that you could never forgive? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why not?” What if you did? What is Forgiveness? When you break the word down, it becomes ...
Confronting Food Insecurity, Dreaming Wellness Sovereignty with Anti-Hunger Advocate Jess...
In this episode of Heart.Change.Consciousness., Trish dialogues with anti-hunger advocate and nutrition coach Jess Pino-Goodspeed on the reality of food scarcity in the US from a systemic, policy-based perspective,...
On the Edge of Blame and Shame Part 2: Shame, Shame, Shame!
Is shaming an evolutionary behaviour to ensure group cohesiveness and dynamic by adhering to a set of group norms? Or is a deeply ingrained sociopathic control mechanism? Blaming and shaming are rampant in our cult...