Archived Episodes
The importance of boundaries in managing our energy
Why are boundaries so important and what do we do when we have a toxic person in our lives?
Shamanic Breathwork: The Nature of Change with Linda Star Wolf
In Shamanic Breathwork, The Nature of Change, Linda Star Wolf in partnership with her husband, Nikolaus Wolf, not only bring you their decades-worth of teachings and experience, they bring tog...
Episode 23 - Embracing the Pause
We are coming up on our one-year anniversary of the SHIFT Podcast - Perspective and Our Power to Change, and we're taking a look back, embracing the pause and reflection on where we have been this past year.
The DHP's - The Dishonoring P's that are ruining your life!
This is your perosnal wake up call! Join me today to discuss these nasty patterns that are interferring with your path toward authenitcity. Perfecting, Performing, Pleasing - just a few of the patterns we'll be dis...
Unlock your secret power and heal the earth with ONE thing with Guest Zalah
Zalah will discuss the webinar he recorded for Earth Day, and how we can all come together as individuals to bring balance back to nature and our homes. Watch live on Facebook.
Findhorn Spirit Oracle Cards by Swan Treasure
The Findhorn community has cultivated a loving partnership with the subtle realms since its very beginning when one of the founders, Dorothy Maclean (1920-2020), began communicating with the devic world in the orig...
On the Edge of Aging Wildly
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a nation to raise an Elder. Looking at our culture’s fear of aging, what messages we receive as we get older, and how to age wildly – Buck the system!
Navigating the ‘New Normal’
Some people are calling this current time of change, the ‘New Normal’ however navigating it can feel anything but normal. What do we do when things that used to feel normal don’t feel that way any...
Dynamics of Class and Classism in Organizations: Digging Deep with guest Dr. Sonja Ardoin
We are excited to welcome Dr. Sonja Ardoin, learner, educator, facilitator, and author, to share her insights and research about the issues and challenges faced by 1st generation, poor and working class college stu...
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Host: Dr. Kathy Obear
Co-Host: dr. becky martinez
Guest: Sonja Ardoin Ph.D.
Healthy Relationships: The importance of boundaries in managing our energy
Why are boundaries so important and what do we do when we have a toxic person in our lives? Watch live on Facebook.
On the Edge of Dying with Dignity
Dying is a part of living. Every culture has their beliefs about the nature of dying and what happens after we die. But what about the process of dying? Should we have a choice in the manner in which we die, if we ...
Episode 19 - Resistance to Turning Inward - Part 2
Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change. We are continuing the conversation from our last episode where we talked about our collective resista...
We’ll talk about what’s keeping you from achieving your goals and what may be holding you back from taking the first step! Watch live on Facebook.
Why does Marriage have to be so complicated? Ways to prevent it… with Coach Martez and Wo...
Falling in love with someone happens so naturally and seems effortless, but as soon as you get married all the challenges start to appear. Have you ever asked yourself, “why does marriage seem so hard”,...
Episode 18 - Resistance to Turning Inward
Join us for this continuing conversation around our collective resistance to change Last week we asked, what is our collective resistance all about? We began to answer that, but there is...
Art, Entertainment, and Influence in Our Political World with Danny Goldberg
A rare and compelling interview with music business legend, Danny Goldberg. Music company executive, political activist, and president of Gold Village Entertainment, Danny speaks in this episode about his amazing n...
Episode 17 - Leaning Into Our Resistance
Leaning into our Resistance We invited you, our listeners to join us in increasing our connection with nature and allow ourselves to take notice the impact in our day to day.
Dynamics of Class and Classism in Organizations: Digging Deep with co-host dr. becky mart...
I am excited to cohost a series of Shows with dr. becky martinez, Infinity Martinez Consulting, for deep, authentic conversation about the devastating dynamics of class, social class and classism in organizations. ...
Your Biggest Loss Can Be Your Biggest Blessing!
In this episode, we are talking about being your own worst enemy by hanging on to what no longer serves you or feeling like life is punishing you after you have experienced your biggest loss. Whether it was your jo...
How Heart Leaders Are Changing The World with guests Amber & Austin from Suivera
The new evolution of leadership is focused on using more than intellect; it’s about embracing heart and compassion to affect change on an individual, collective and global scale. One person can make an impact...
Episode 16 - Attuning to our Natural Intelligence
If there is one thing that the last two years has highlighted for us, it is that as a society, at least in Weste...
Careers in the New Normal-John Jordan!
John Jordan discussess innovative approaches to professional growth and development in the "new normal" and answers questions on how to further careers in the new world of work. What is next in long term caree...
Creating Heaven on Earth with Martin Rutte
We all want to create a better world. But what if we each had the power to create Heaven on Earth? International speaker, consultant, and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, Martin Rutte joins me ...
What is the energetic process of transmutation?
What is the energetic process of transmutation? Why is it so important to learn how to do this NOW, in 2022? Watch live on Facebook.