Archived Episodes
Resilience: Your Super Power To Success
"Change is inevitable. Transformation is a choice." Let's face it. Challenges exist in every aspect of our lives: From the work place to the home and everything inbet...
Pride is not just in the month of June
Pride is so much more than the corporate out-pouring that happens in June, and much more than glitter and rainbows. Join us!
Friday, August 26, 2022
Host: Martine Emmons
Guests: Erin Baker , Alan Smith , Matt Gil , Jason Galvez
Social Media Use May Be Tied to Increase of Depressive Symptoms in Adults with Marni Goldman
Research suggests that social media use may impact mental health in adults as well. Researchers found that social media platforms, including Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok, were associated with an increased likelih...
Protect Your Light: A Practical Guide to Energy Protection, Cleansing, and Cutting Cords ...
Protect Your Light offers a comprehensive system of clearing, shielding, and strengthening your energy. It is the first book to address energy attacks on social media and provides readers ...
How To Live a Happily Ever Afterlife with Echo Bodine
How to live a Happily Ever Afterlife: Stories of Trapped Souls and How Not to Become Oneis an eye-opening look at spirits—at what compels and holds them—and what you can do to avoid the same fate with E...
Ep. 29 - We Can't See It When We're in It: Perspective Shift
We can't fully see something when we are in it. Whether the "it" is a situation, environment, relationship dynamic, belief systems, the stories of illusion we live in, or something e...
A Meeting with Gretta, Leigh, Yvonne, and The Realm of Beings
Conversations about the creation of reality! Watch/Listen
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Gretta Chamberlain , Yvonne Kraeher , Leigh Stima
The importance of agreements in mastering consciousness. Watch/Listen
Rejection. Protection or Re-Direction?
When you think about the word rejection is usually comes with a negative thought. We associate that word as being a negative thing and our thoughts we feel negatively towards it. We become upset. We question what w...
THE LIFE: A Journey Of Self-Discovery - The IN-BETWEEN with Sagar Constantin
The In-Between is a temporary home for people where they must decide whether to return to their lives on Earth or move on to the next stage in their development. It’s a wonderful place filled with spiritual a...
What Would We Have Done Without You, Dr. Pat? with Guests Julie O Rose and JoJo Rose
The Universal Alchemical Solvent: LOVE opened the Portal for Spacious Unknowing Network to be Hosted on Dr. Pat's Transformation Talk Radio Network. Our connection with Dr. Pat is life-changing every day for Julie ...
Ep. 28 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now - Part 2
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Nothing changes If we keep doing the same things, expecting different results - or not doing anything at all and expecting some else to take act...
Kabbalah of Light with Catherine Shainberg
Catherine Shainberg's book, Kabbalah of Light - Ancient Practices to Ignite the Imagination and Illuminate the Soul, shares 159 short exercises and practices to tap instantly into your subconscious mind and receive...
Exploring Dynamics of Class and Classism in Organizations with guest Evangeline Weiss
We are excited to welcome Evangeline Weiss, from Beyond Conflict, to explore how dynamics of classism and class privilege manifest in organizations and the resulting damaging consequences on employees, cli...
We’ll talk about what it really means to say that you are hungry, what giving your body healthy fuel means, and how to recognize when you are eating your feelings!
Ep. 27 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now
Last year at this time, our show was about independence, and celebrating independence - why do we celebrate and what are we celebrating when not everyone has the same freedoms? Are we simply ...
Stop the insanity! It is time to try something different
If you are listening to this show, you are probably trying to make some improvement in your life. That is the primary focus of the show, to help you live the life you desire. However sometimes even the ...
The art of a good goodbye
Saying goodbye is something we do repeatedly over the course of our lives. We say goodbye to experiences, things, jobs, people, pets, relationships, homes, and loved ones. We have goodbyes that are planned and ones...
Use of Animals in Deadly Experiments-Emily Trunnell! Job Seekers Lack Skills to Access Go...
Dr. Trunnell discusses PETA scientists' Research Modernization Deal (RMD), a detailed strategy for ending animal experiments. The RMD plan can save the lives of billions of animals every year! FREE...
Friday, June 10, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Emily Trunnell Ph.D., Steven Preston , Eileen Aparis
Self: Be True to You
The Life Strategies Way. Focusing on the first principle of self. Moving on and dreams. https://www.face...
Your Life, Your Transformation with Christine Clark
Transformation is the name of the game of Life. Whether you want to deepen your love relationship, make that side hustle your primary endeavor, climb a mountain, write your book, or expand your business it requires...
Manifest and Rediscover with Tiffany Watkins
Realizing the path you’re on isn’t leading you anywhere near where you want to be in life can be confusing and scary. Let’s talk about the ways that you can redirect yourself and transform into th...
The Courage to Ignite your Power and Purpose!
We will discuss how to shift away from the fear of rejection and people-pleasing behavior, to finding peace in God’s plan. This is key to operating in your purpose and dreams, at maximum wattage! Miriam...
What Can Reason Tell Us About Racism with Guest Brett Bevell
This episode looks at what science and practical experiences, tell us about healing racism.