Archived Episodes
Feel the V.I.B.E.! How to Powerup in Midlife.
In this powerful episode, Lynnis Woods-Mullins and I will turn you onto the V.I.B.E, a philosophy of living life with more vibrance, intuition, beauty, and empowerment. Midlife...
Shattering the Mirror of Cultural Perfection to Own Your Whole True Self.
I am going to knock your socks off as I challenge the notion of what feminine beauty is as well as what makes a “good woman”. We are going to discuss how we have been brainwashed and manipulated...
Holiday Survival Guide: Time for a Self-Love Bootcamp
In this episode I am going to take you on journey of self-kindness practices just in time to overcome the holiday burnout and exhaustion many women feel, as we take on even more holiday tasks and respon...
Hey, someone stole my pronouns and I want them back!
Author Vivian Probst and Dr Diane will take a deep dive into her new book “Breaking the Bias of English: How English Disempowers Those of Us Who Aren’t Men and How to Fix It In Six Words&rdq...
The Barbie Movie: Taking this Child's Toy From Feminist Villain to Empowerment Hero.
In this episode we are going to unpack the powerful messages in this blockbuster hit, how award winning movie director Greta Gerwig took a child's toy from a feminist villain to an empowerment hero.
Two Old Broads Comparing Notes: The state of women’s empowerment in the 21st Century.
Dr. Pat Baccili and Dr. Diane Garrison explore the concept of becoming Full Power, share their own journeys to personal empowerment and the impact of growing up in the age of the Women’s Movemen...