Archived Episodes
Connect with Extraterrestrials with Guest Gloria Rodriquez
Glo, a Portal Journey Ambassador, shares the strong relationship she has with her Extraterrestrial family. You will learn why her crazy good life is a synchronized orchestration.
I Did It To Myself… Again! with Joanne DiMaggio!
I Did It To Myself…Again! New Life-Between-Lives Case Studies Show How Your Soul’s Contract is Guiding Your Life answers these and other questions about the afterlife! Data from Joanne’s yearlong...
Exploring What Really Happened 2000 Years Ago with David Young!
David Young; discussing his latest book: The True Story of Jesus and His Wife Mary Magdalena!
Abundance and Choices: Harvesting our Power with Leslie and Dr. Pat
In the moment we choose to be abundance, we experience an incredible power within us. What happens next is crucial. When we choose, we then experience ideas and direction – all of which require some action. L...