Get Inspired Radio with Sue London: The Collective Heart-Let It Shine with her guest Bonnie Ross.

Get Inspired Radio with Sue London: The Collective Heart-Let It Shine with her guest Bonnie Ross.

  09/09/2011  04:00 pm PDT

911 sent the world into chaos, confusion, shock and grief. The ripple effect of this disaster threw satellite dishes in space way off, with this wave of negative energy. NOW is the time to join with our collective heart energy to shift the world to a place of love and oneness. Join Bonnie Christina Ross as she shares her expertise on staying anchored in the eye of the "energetic" storm.


Sue London

Sue London

Sue London helps people overcome difficult or traumatic situations in their lives. Through her radio show GET INSPIRED, coaching, writing and motivational speaking, Sue Lond...

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 Bonnie Christina Ross

Bonnie Christina Ross

Bonnie Christina Ross is a Psycho-spiritual Therapist in private practice as well as a teacher of Spiritual and Personal Development Programs. As a Spiritual Psychotherapy a...

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